


Naoko Fukui is one of highly recommended artists introduced by Gallery TAGBOAT. She is distinguished for brightly colored painting and accessories decorated with shiny materials such as beads and spangles. One of her installations was awarded by Taro Okamoto Award of Contemporary Art, which she decorates the space and makes it into a magical room. With decorations and paintings, and the combination of plane with space, she presented viewers with a more familiar way to enjoy art. Her colorful outlines which heighten the decorations and the plane surface are recognized as her painting style. On the other hand, we could still find the hidden dignified strength in her painting, without failing to capture any twinkling of the moment. She puts all of her personal life experiences and memories to her artistic creation. Memories from the nature, memories from her grand mother who has a talent for stitching, memories from traveling and bright memories of touching moments. Not only paints on canvas, she has been using every conceivable materials to spell her memories on, such as cloth, beads, wood, pottery and so forth. She endeavors to conceal her memories in a singular space.


I live looking for treasure called the memory

Naoko Fukui

作品本体価格Sellng Price(Artwork)
¥ 350,000
箱代/額装費Framing Price
¥ 5,000
¥ 35,500
合計金額(税込)Total(include tax)
¥ 390,500

More Details


Oil on canvas, beads embroidery

証明書Certificate of Authenticity
あり Yes
制作年Year of Creation
116.7x 72.7 x3cm
額仕様Frame Specification
額寸Frame Size
0x 0x 0cm
納品期間Shipping Time
作品IDItem ID



「絵のある部屋」というシリーズで2005年06年にSPICAart(東京)2007年INAXギャラリー2(東京)で展示。油絵の平面作品を中心に、自分が慣れ親しんでいる布や木、ビーズや陶器などあらゆる素材を使い一つの空間を制作。2008年「海賊」(galeria de muerte/ 東京)2009年「スターゲート」川崎市岡本太郎美術館(岡本太郎現代芸術賞入選)2011年「花のように 鳥のように 風のように」愛知芸術文化センター内地下2階 通路西側 (アーツ・チャレンジ2011)2012年「雲のむこう 空のさき」5/R・Hall&Gallery(愛知)2013年「夢を見るライオン」GALLERY SPEAK FOR(東京)2020年「la petite princesse」では解体前の銀座高木ビル内に壁画を描き展示、2021年SDGsクリエイティブ展(スパイラルガーデン/東京)に参加するなど多数作品を発表。

また2011年に東京ドームシティASOBono!の外壁デザイン、2012年SPICAと共同で古屋再生プロジェクトとして一軒家の中に絵を全て描く、2013年 Enjoy RODY! Enjoy Love ! Exhibition in Taipei.(台湾)のチャリティーイベントでロディーにペイントをし参加、晴海フラワーフェスティバル2013インフィオラータでは花で絵を描くイベントのデザインなど幅広い活動をする。


Naoko Fukui aoko Fukui is one of highly recommended artists introduced by Gallery TAGBOAT.
She is distinguished for brightly colored painting and accessories decorated with shiny materials such as beads and spangles.
One of her installations was awarded by Taro Okamoto Award of Contemporary Art, which she decorates the space and makes it into a magical room.
With decorations and paintings, and the combination of plane with space, she presented viewers with a more familiar way to enjoy art.
Her colorful outlines which heighten the decorations and the plane surface are recognized as her painting style.
On the other hand, we could still find the hidden dignified strength in her painting, without failing to capture any twinkling of the moment.
She puts all of her personal life experiences and memories to her artistic creation.
Memories from the nature, memories from her grand mother who has a talent for stitching, memories from traveling and bright memories of touching moments.
Not only paints on canvas, she has been using every conceivable materials to spell her memories on, such as cloth, beads, wood, pottery and so forth.
She endeavors to conceal her memories in a singular space.

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